Cluster Chart : NVidia GPU Artifacthub

This helm chart is used to deploy NVidia GPU Driver handled by an operator to configure GPU Drivers at the cluster level.

This chart is part of the cluster-xxx startx helm chart series that doesn’t necessarily deploy pods but rather represent a cluster configuration state orchestrated by gitops tools like ArgoCD.

Requirements and guidelines

Read the startx helm-repository homepage for more information on how to use theses resources.

Deploy this helm chart on openshift

1. Connect to your Openshift cluster

oc login -t <token> <cluster-url>

2. Install the repository

helm repo add startx

3. Get information about this chart

helm show chart startx/cluster-gpu

4. Install this chart

Default values

Complete deployment of a project with the following characteristics :

  • 1 namespace: named startx-gpu without constraints
  • 1 operator: named nvidia-gpu-operator configured with
  • The stable channel for community release
  • The v1.7.2 version
  • Deployed under the openshift-operators project
# Create the project
helm install cluster-gpu-project startx/cluster-gpu --set project.enabled=true,operator.enabled=false,gpu.enabled=false
# Deploy the OADP operator
helm install cluster-gpu-operator startx/cluster-gpu --set project.enabled=false,operator.enabled=true,gpu.enabled=false && sleep 10
# Configure default OADP ressources
helm install cluster-gpu-instance startx/cluster-gpu --set project.enabled=false,operator.enabled=false,gpu.enabled=true

Others values availables

helm install cluster-gpu startx/cluster-gpu -f


Release Date Description
14.6.111 2024-01-17 Create chart cluster-gpu from cluster-certmanager
14.6.111 2024-01-18 New version of the NVidia Operator packaged into the cluster-gu chart
14.6.131 2024-01-18 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.133 2024-01-18 Update the documentation with artifacthub badge
14.6.135 2024-01-18 debug artifacthub recommandations
14.6.137 2024-01-18 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.141 2024-02-03 upgrade of the full startx repository
14.6.143 2024-02-03 Align to 14.6.143 chart release
14.6.145 2024-02-03 Update all startx dependencies chart to 14.6.141 chart release
14.6.149 2024-02-03 Update all startx dependencies chart to 14.6.141 chart release
14.6.150 2024-02-03 Stable 14.6.150 release
14.6.161 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.171 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.189 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.195 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.197 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.201 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.208 2024-03-06 Align all dependencies to 14.6.208 release
14.6.215 2024-03-08 Align all charts to release 14.6.215
14.6.231 2024-03-19 Align all charts to release 14.6.231
14.6.251 2024-03-27 Align all charts to release 14.6.251
14.6.269 2024-03-31 Align all charts to release 14.6.269