sxapi Example Chart : SXAPI


This helm chart is used to create a deployment of a small an simple micro-service based on sxapi helm chart.

This chart is part of the example-xxx startx helm chart series focused on deploying various kind of application consuming the cluster services deployed using the cluster-xxx charts.

Requirements and guidelines

Read the startx helm-repository homepage for more information on how to use theses resources.

Deploy this helm chart on openshift

1. Connect to your Openshift cluster

oc login -t <token> <cluster-url>

2. Install the repository

helm repo add startx

3. Get information about this chart

helm show chart startx/example-sxapi

4. Install this chart

helm install example-sxapi startx/example-sxapi

Values dictionary

context values dictionary

Key Default Description
context.scope default Name of the global scope for this application (organisational tenant)
context.cluster localhost Name of the cluster running this application (plateform tenant)
context.environment dev Name of the environement for this application (ex: dev, factory, preprod or prod)
context.component demo Component name of this application (logical tenant) sxapi Application name (functionnal tenant, default use Chart name)
context.version 0.0.1 Version name of this application (default use Chart appVersion)

example-sxapi values dictionary

Key Default Description
sxapi.service.enabled false Enable service for this application
sxapi.version 0.3.63 Sxapi image version to run
sxapi.profile prod:start Profile to run inside the container
sxapi.debug true Enable debuging of the container
sxapi.replicas 1 Define the number of replicas for this sxapi instance string Files to load into the application

Values files

Default values file (values.yaml)

Complete deployment of an sxapi application with the following characteristics :

  • 1 service named example-sxapi load balancing to pod deployed
  • 1 deployment named example-sxapi deploying 1 pod from version 0.3.63 sxapi image running the prod:start command with debug disabled
  • 2 configMap holding sxapi configuration and pod environment variable context
# base configuration running default configuration
helm install example-sxapi startx/example-sxapi

Development values file (values-dev.yaml)

Complete deployment of a sxapi development application with the following characteristics :

  • 1 service named example-sxapi-dev load balancing to pod deployed
  • 1 deployment named example-sxapi-dev deploying 1 pod from version 0.3.63 sxapi image running the dev:start command with debug disabled
  • 2 configMap holding sxapi configuration and pod environment variable context
# base configuration running tekton v1.0.1 configuration
helm install example-sxapi-dev startx/example-sxapi -f

Version 0.0.1 values file (values-v0.0.1.yaml)

Complete deployment of a sxapi production application (v0.0.1) with the following characteristics :

  • 1 service named example-sxapi-prod load balancing to pod deployed
  • 1 deployment named example-sxapi-prod deploying 1 pod from version 0.3.63 sxapi image running the prod:start command with debug disabled
  • 2 configMap holding sxapi configuration and pod environment variable context
# base configuration running tekton v0.0.1 configuration
helm install example-sxapi-v0.0.1 startx/example-sxapi -f

Version 0.0.2 values file (values-v0.0.2.yaml)

Complete deployment of a sxapi production application (v0.0.2) with the following characteristics :

  • 1 service named example-sxapi-prod load balancing to pod deployed
  • 1 deployment named example-sxapi-prod deploying 1 pod from version 0.3.63 sxapi image running the prod:start command with debug disabled
  • 2 configMap holding sxapi configuration and pod environment variable context
# base configuration running tekton v0.0.2 configuration
helm install example-sxapi-v0.0.2 startx/example-sxapi -f


Release Date Description
0.2.11 2020-10-25 Initial commit for this helm chart with default value example
0.3.0 2020-10-31 Stable 0.3 release
0.3.3 2020-11-01 Update sxapi chart dependency to 0.3.1 and moving application data to value file
0.3.21 2020-11-06 Align all charts on the repository release 0.3.21
0.3.23 2020-11-07 Add engineVersion to all chart (set to 4.5.12) and update all appVersion with the relevant information
0.3.93 2020-11-10 Move to 0.3.93 dependencies for all cluster-xxx charts in the startx repository
0.3.105 2020-11-11 Update cluster-xxx charts dependencies to 0.3.103 release
0.3.117 2020-11-12 Move to 0.3.115 basic chart dependencies
0.3.135 2020-11-23 Improve documentation for all examples charts
0.3.141 2020-11-24 publish stable update for the full repository
0.3.151 2021-01-23 Upgrade chart to OCP version 4.3.13
0.3.153 2021-01-23 publish stable update for the full repository
0.3.165 2021-01-23 Upgrade all chart dependencies
0.3.167 2021-01-24 Remove conditional dependencies for argocd compatibility in HA environments
0.3.169 2021-01-24 Move to 0.3.155 dependencies
0.3.173 2021-01-24 Move all dependencies to 0.3.171 and improve cluster-logging component
0.3.187 2021-02-13 Align example chart release to 0.3.187
0.3.191 2021-02-13 Update cluster chart dependencies to 0.3.189
0.3.199 2021-02-20 prepare alpha release of 0.4 and update dependencies charts
0.3.201 2021-02-20 Update icon and image for charts
0.3.203 2021-02-21 Upgrade chart release informations
0.3.207 2021-04-19 Core chart dependencies moved to v0.3.205
0.3.209 2021-05-06 Prepare upgrade to 4.7 and add template for AFD
0.3.215 2021-05-06 Align all chart to release 0.3.215
0.3.225 2021-05-10 Update all chart to use new RBAC naming
0.3.227 2021-05-29 Debug naming of config map
0.3.305 2021-06-04 publish stable update for the full repository
0.3.343 2021-06-06 publish stable update for the full repository
0.3.381 2021-06-10 Align example and cluster charts dependencies to basic chart version 0.3.377
0.3.390 2021-06-12 Prepare 0.4.0 release
0.3.423 2021-06-17 Prepare the v0.4 release. Stable aligned version of all charts
0.3.431 2021-07-05 Move to dependencies 1.18.0
0.3.480 2021-08-03 publish stable update for the full repository
0.3.998 2021-08-04 publish stable update for the full repository
0.3.999 2021-08-04 Release stable version 0.3.999 align with ocp 4.7.13
7.22.1 2021-08-04 Move to release 7.22.1 to align versionning with ocp release cycle
7.22.2 2021-08-04 Move helm dependencies to a 7.x.x release model
7.22.3 2021-08-05 publish stable update for the full repository
7.22.5 2021-08-05 publish stable update for the full repository
7.22.6 2021-08-05 Stable version for chart dependencies
7.22.7 2021-08-05 Stable for OCP version 4.7.22
7.22.12 2021-09-23 publish stable update for the full repository
7.22.21 2021-10-05 ServiceAccount and ImagePullSecrets managed by project chart
7.22.25 2021-10-06 publish stable update for the full repository
7.22.27 2021-10-06 publish stable update for the full repository
8.13.1 2021-10-06 Stable release for OCP 4.8.13 version
8.13.3 2021-10-08 Improve code execution, syntax and introduce the ACS helm-chart
8.13.5 2021-10-21 publish stable update for the full repository
8.13.7 2021-10-21 publish stable update for the full repository
8.13.8 2021-10-21 Adding first draft of json schema
8.13.9 2021-10-22 Adding the schema in chart
8.13.25 2021-11-10 Solve helm issue in the kubeVersion for kube clusters and upgrade chart dep to version 8.13.23
8.13.27 2021-11-10 publish stable update for the full repository
8.20.3 2021-11-11 Align all charts to Openshift version 4.8.20
8.20.5 2021-11-12 Upgrade all appVersion and align chart release
8.20.9 2021-11-12 Align all startx chart to version 8.20.9
0.20.11 2021-11-12 Move chart dependencies to version 8.20.5
0.20.33 2021-11-14 publish stable update for the full repository
0.20.41 2021-11-14 Aling all dependencies to version 0.20.34
8.20.46 2021-11-19 Transitionnal chart
8.20.60 2021-11-19 publish stable update for the full repository
8.20.66 2021-11-20 Updating limits for context vars in values schema
8.20.70 2021-11-20 publish stable update for the full repository
8.20.71 2021-11-20 Align all charts to Openshift version 4.8.21
9.8.1 2021-11-20 Upgrade to Openshift version 4.9.8
9.8.4 2021-11-20 Stable release of chart for Openshift 4.9.8 version
9.8.7 2021-11-20 Debug dependencies problem
9.8.9 2021-11-20 Update startx chart dependencies version to 9.8.8 and schema update
9.8.15 2021-11-20 Update startx chart dependencies version to 9.8.11
9.8.19 2021-11-20 Update startx chart dependencies version to 9.8.15 and improve values schema
9.8.28 2021-11-20 Update the startx chart dependencies to version 9.8.23
9.8.39 2021-11-21 Debug version check with more permissive mode
9.8.43 2021-11-21 Update the startx chart dependencies to version 9.8.39
9.8.45 2021-11-21 Update the values schema limits for context properties
9.8.47 2021-11-21 Improve version management for chart
9.8.48 2021-11-22 Update sxapi to version 0.3.63 with many security updates
9.8.51 2021-11-22 Update startx chart dependencies to version 9.8.48
9.8.52 2021-12-07 Debug values
9.8.67 2021-12-18 Align all charts to release 9.8.67
9.8.71 2021-12-18 Update helm-chart dependencies to version 9.8.59
9.8.75 2021-12-19 Align with all other startx chart version to number 9.8.75
9.8.76 2021-12-19 Change name
9.8.81 2021-12-20 Update the storage context
9.8.91 2022-03-06 publish stable update for the full repository
9.8.93 2022-03-07 Enable conditionnal loading of charts dependencies
9.8.109 2022-04-26 Update startx chart dependencies to version 9.8.107
9.8.110 2022-04-27 Stable release for all charts
9.8.114 2022-04-27 publish stable update for the full repository
9.8.215 2022-05-06 Upgrade startx chart dependencies to version 9.8.211
9.8.230 2022-05-06 Stable full repository
9.8.231 2022-05-06 Debug basic chart dependencies
9.8.233 2022-05-06 publish stable update for the full repository
9.8.239 2022-05-17 Remove default csv from all charts. global release 9.8.239
9.8.253 2022-05-29 Align all charts dependencies to release 9.8.251
9.8.277 2022-05-31 publish stable update for the full repository
9.15.1 2022-06-01 Align all chart for Openshift 4.9.15
9.15.2 2022-06-01 Align all charts to release 9.15.1
9.15.3 2022-06-01 Align all charts to release 9.15.3
10.12.1 2022-06-01 Align all charts to release 10.12.1
10.12.3 2022-06-01 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.4 2022-06-01 Align all charts to release 10.12.4
10.12.5 2022-06-01 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.22 2022-06-04 Align all chart to release version 10.12.22
10.12.23 2022-06-04 Basi chart dependencies upgraded to version 10.12.5
10.12.29 2022-06-17 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.30 2022-06-17 Improved logo and global documentation
10.12.33 2022-06-17 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.34 2022-06-17 Align all dependencies charts to 10.12.31
10.12.41 2022-06-18 Align all charts to version 10.12.41
10.12.46 2022-06-18 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.49 2022-06-18 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.53 2022-06-18 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.71 2022-06-28 Debug the appVersion in all charts
10.12.72 2022-07-02 Common release
10.12.77 2022-07-02 Stable for clients
10.12.81 2022-07-02 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.97 2022-07-03 publish stable update for the full repository
10.12.99 2022-09-16 Initialize OCP 4.11 upgrade on all chart
11.5.3 2022-09-17 Align all STARTX charts to release 11.5.3
11.7.1 2022-10-01 Upgrade chart to latest release available for OCP 4.11.7 release
11.7.3 2022-10-02 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.9 2022-10-02 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.10 2022-10-02 Stable release for all packages
11.7.11 2022-10-02 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.15 2022-10-02 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.17 2022-10-02 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.31 2022-10-29 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.33 2022-10-29 Update all startx packages to release 11.7.33
11.7.41 2022-11-02 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.61 2022-11-30 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.62 2022-11-30 Debug console links and notifications
11.7.63 2022-11-30 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.67 2022-11-30 Debug depedencies on sub charts
11.7.69 2022-11-30 Finished dependencies stabilization
11.7.73 2022-12-04 Align all packages to release 11.7.73
11.7.75 2022-12-04 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.77 2022-12-05 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.87 2023-02-15 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.88 2023-02-15 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.91 2023-02-16 publish stable update for the full repository
11.7.93 2023-02-16 align dependencies to version 11.7.89
11.7.97 2023-02-19 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.11 2023-02-19 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.15 2023-02-19 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.16 2023-02-19 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.19 2023-02-19 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.21 2023-02-19 Upgrade all dependencies packages to release 11.28.15
11.28.23 2023-02-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.27 2023-02-21 All chart aligned to release 11.28.27
11.28.29 2023-02-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.35 2023-02-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.49 2023-02-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.59 2023-02-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.60 2023-02-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.67 2023-02-23 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.69 2023-03-07 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.89 2023-04-01 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.93 2023-04-20 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.99 2023-04-21 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.103 2023-05-04 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.127 2023-06-12 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.128 2023-06-12 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.129 2023-06-13 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.201 2023-07-06 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.207 2023-07-06 publish stable update for the full repository
11.28.230 2023-08-18 Align all helm chart to release 11.28.230 stable release
11.30.0 2023-08-18 Align all helm chart to release 11.30.0 stable for OCP 4.11.30
11.40.0 2023-08-18 Align all helm chart to release 11.40.0 stable for OCP 4.11.40
11.47.0 2023-08-18 Align all helm chart to release 11.47.0 stable for OCP 4.11.47
11.47.1 2023-08-18 Update appVersion in Chart.yml
12.0.0 2023-08-18 Align all helm chart to release 12.0.0 transitionnal for OCP 4.12.0 target (unstable)
12.0.1 2023-08-18 Align all helm chart to release 12.0.1 transitionnal for OCP 4.12.0 target (unstable)
12.0.5 2023-08-18 publish stable update for the full repository
12.0.11 2023-08-18 publish stable update for the full repository
12.30.1 2023-09-29 release 12.30.1 aligned and tested with OCP 4.12.30
12.36.1 2023-09-29 release 12.36.0 aligned with OCP 4.12.36 (unstable)
12.36.9 2023-10-01 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.36 2023-10-11 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.49 2023-11-13 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.51 2023-11-13 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.58 2023-11-13 Align all startx dependencies packages to version 12.36.49 stable for OCP 4.12.36
12.36.59 2023-11-13 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.63 2023-11-13 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.64 2023-11-13 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.65 2023-11-14 publish stable update for the full repository
12.36.66 2023-11-14 Update trunc to 255 for helper
12.36.69 2023-11-14 move dependencies to version 12.36.65
12.45.0 2023-12-08 Stable version aligned to Openshift version 4.12.45
13.26.0 2023-12-08 Unstable version aligned to Openshift version 4.13.26 to prepare the 13.26.x stable release (short lived)
13.26.1 2023-12-09 Minimum requirements for kubernetes is 1.26.0 version and upgrade all cluster-xxx charts to latest release for OCP 4.13
13.26.2 2023-12-09 upgrade all dependencies charts to version 13.26.0
13.26.3 2023-12-09 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.1 2023-12-09 iniFirst release for OCP 4.14 release. Aligned on 4.14.6 release
14.6.5 2023-12-10 upgrade all dependencies charts to version 13.26.2
14.6.9 2023-12-10 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.11 2023-12-10 upgrade minimum kubeVersion to 1.27.x and startx helm-chart dependencies to version 14.6.5
14.6.15 2023-12-11 update packages for OCP 4.14.6
14.6.21 2023-12-18 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.22 2023-12-18 stable si good
14.6.27 2023-12-19 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.29 2023-12-19 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.31 2023-12-19 move to kubeversion min 1.25.0
14.6.33 2023-12-19 Move dependencies to github-pages
14.6.35 2023-12-20 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.45 2023-12-22 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.46 2023-12-22 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.55 2023-12-22 align all dependencies chart to 14.6.45
14.6.59 2023-12-22 move back dependencies to version 14.6.35
14.6.63 2023-12-22 Align all startx helm-chart to version 14.6.63
14.6.65 2023-12-27 test with repo stored in s3 public bucket
14.6.71 2023-12-28 Move to S3 helm repository
14.6.73 2023-12-29 Upgrade all startx chart dependencies to version 14.6.65
14.6.75 2023-12-29 Upgrade all startx chart dependencies to version 14.6.71
14.6.91 2024-01-02 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.99 2024-01-02 Full stable release of the chart repository
14.6.103 2024-01-03 Upgrade all startx chart dependencies to version 14.6.75
14.6.105 2024-01-03 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.107 2024-01-04 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.109 2024-01-04 Update all chart dependencies to version 14.6.105
14.6.131 2024-01-18 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.133 2024-01-18 Update the documentation with artifacthub badge
14.6.135 2024-01-18 debug artifacthub recommandations
14.6.137 2024-01-18 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.141 2024-02-03 upgrade of the full startx repository
14.6.143 2024-02-03 Align to 14.6.143 chart release
14.6.149 2024-02-03 Update all startx dependencies chart to 14.6.141 chart release
14.6.150 2024-02-03 Stable 14.6.150 release
14.6.161 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.171 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.189 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.195 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.197 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.201 2024-02-08 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.208 2024-03-06 Align all dependencies to 14.6.208 release
14.6.215 2024-03-08 Align all charts to release 14.6.215
14.6.231 2024-03-19 Align all charts to release 14.6.231
14.6.233 2024-03-27 Adding immutable option to ConfigMap resources
14.6.251 2024-03-27 Align all charts to release 14.6.251
14.6.269 2024-03-31 Align all charts to release 14.6.269
14.6.281 2024-05-20 Align all charts to release 14.6.281
14.6.293 2024-05-29 Align all charts to release 14.6.293
14.6.301 2024-05-30 Helm package are now signed
14.6.321 2024-06-25 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.323 2024-06-25 Align all chart to latest release
14.6.325 2024-06-25 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.331 2024-06-25 update all dependencies to version 14.6.323
14.6.335 2024-06-26 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.343 2024-06-26 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.345 2024-06-26 publish stable update for the full repository
14.6.351 2024-06-26 Update all dependencies
14.6.353 2024-06-26 Fixed missed dependencies in previous release
14.6.367 2024-06-29 Align all startx charts to release 14.6.367
14.6.381 2024-06-30 Align all startx charts to release 14.6.381
15.27.3 2024-11-06 create init release for version 15.x
15.27.5 2024-11-06 publish stable update for the full repository
15.27.7 2024-11-06 Align all startx charts dependencies to release 15.27.3
15.27.17 2024-11-10 Release aligned for OCP 4.15.27
15.27.21 2024-11-10 Release aligned for OCP 4.15.37
16.19.3 2024-11-10 Init release 16.19.1 aligned for OCP 4.16.19
16.19.11 2024-11-10 Update all dependencies to version 16.19.4
16.19.15 2024-11-10 publish stable update for the full repository
16.19.29 2024-11-11 Align all chart to the 16.19.29 release
16.19.31 2024-12-10 Align all charts to 19.19.31